Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Like Two Entwining Strands Of The Double Helix

"Like the two entwining strands of the double helix, law and power form the genetic structure of government. Law is nothing but empty verbiage without power to back it up, enforce it, embody it. And power without law is nothing but a mad ape, baring its teeth, thumping its chest, raping and beating where it pleases, taking what it wants: a bestial thing, born in the muddy swamp of our lowest, blindest, rawest biochemical impulses. Disconnect these strands and things fall apart, as Yeats says; the center literally cannot hold, and the blood-dimmed tide is loosed upon the world."
Chris Floyd, Presidential Tyranny Untamed by Election Defeat

Monday, December 11, 2006

M. Ward, Chinese Translations


M. Ward, Chinese Translations.

'If life is really as short as they say,
then why is the past so long?'

They Waste Paper Telling Us Not To!

On my way home I passed a billboard advertising credit cards. Not any particular one, just credit cards in general. Their slogan was "Don't Waste Paper".
I don't know about you, but I can think of a lot more ways that paper is wasted than by printing money! !

Selective Advertising. That's all it is. Let's make you feel bad about using paper money by printing out all these guilt-inducing billboard advertisments ON PAPER! Does anyone else see the irony?

I'm not really a fan of credit cards. In fact, I'm not really a fan of most things virtual. I prefer to deal with things that are a bit more tactile than numbers and figures hurtling through cyber-space.
But then again, that's just me.